Sunday, June 21, 2009

Get Ready For FAIRY DAY!

The Whispering Willow Fairies are getting excited as it is only 3 days until the official National Fairy Day, June 24! Hope you can take advantage of this special day and look for the magic and fun of the fairy world in everything that you do!

Here's a few things that you might do on fairy day to celebrate:
Bring a special fairy home at and be entered to win a
Whispering Willow Fairy Glen Display set!
Send a e-fairy greeting at
Find a book about fairies at Faries World
Color a picture with a special little pixie on fairy day . . . great images to download here.

Most importantly just take time to experience nature. Sit back and enjoy the day! Before you know it you'll be transported into a the wonderful world of fairies!
Happy Fairy Day!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Trixy Hanging Out in the Fairy Garden

Snapped a quick pic of Trixy as she was hanging out in the fairy garden today. Had to work fast to get the shot before she ran off to her secret hiding place. Too fun! Enjoy!