Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Unusual & Unique Places to find Art!

If you’re like me you spend a lot of time on the computer! I love the whole idea of surfing, searching shopping and in general surrendering to the machine to take me down the information highway into places that I might not have ever known existed before I google searched them!

So today while on another one of my google search-xpeditions I thought it might be fun to start a weekly Search & Surf Discovery Blog post.
Hopefully the finds will inspire, enlighten, inform and maybe ignite a discovery post of your own and together we can cover and discover more of the information super highway than if we went it alone!

We all know the typical things artist might use as a canvas . . . paper, glass, stretched canvas, etc. but have you ever searched for places that are not so typical? Here’s what I found today on my first Search & Surf Discovery of “Unusual Places/Canvases for Find Art”. Definitely some amazing and unique places!

Cornfields – “Earth Murals

Screen Painting by the “Rowhouse Rembrandts

A VW Bug . . . completely covered with Mosaic Tiles

Painted Hands! Wonder if AT & T got there idea for the hand ad campaign from these artists?
Personally my most unique canvas was the windows that lined the front porch of my childhood home! I actually found a  pic to share of the paintings.  
I loved the Halloween theme even back in high school. Brings back memories.  I think it might be time to search out a new unique and unusal art canvas!

How about YOU! Where’s the most unusual or unique canvas you’ve created or found art?

And now I'm off on another Search and Surf adventure!