Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tuesday Blog Party -12"x12" Art Print Featuring "Pink Elephant"


From now until May 8th, I am holding this give-away to help benefit, which is an organization that was founded by Charley & Jessica Whitt to honor their daughter Tuesday.

Although their site is not completely up and running yet, the idea they have is. (it will be up by mid-May) is being set up to benefit families that are dealing directly with pediatric cancer. It will help to fund their medical costs, food & travel, and even funeral arrangements, if needed.
And, of course, it will also help to provide funds for Pediatric Cancer Research.

Up for auction is 1 - 12"x12" Print featuring "Pink Elephant" from Pop Art Minis.

What you need to do?

1. Donate $1 to the Tuesday Fiona Whitt Foundation, which benefits

2. When you donate (using the button below) please come back and leave me a comment and tell me that you have donated to be entered in the auction/drawing.  One winner will be selected fromt he entries!