Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pop Art Minis Alphabet Soup Collection!

I've been having so much fun with my new Alphabet Soup Collection! With 8 letters complete I thought I would  share a collage of the group so far! Starting to get a good look at how things are shaping up and even though I would have liked to have more letters complete by now . . . sometimes there's just not enough hours in the day! LOL!
Thanks to all my Facebook friends for the GREAT suggestions and for all the wonderful comments  . . . definitely inspirational!  I know I have a ways to go before the collection will be complete, but will continue to march through the alphabet until the very end, and by that time I'll probably be ready for some ZZZZ'zzz!

The Alphabet Soup Collection, as well as other designs are available in my Pop Art Minis Zazzle store on a variety of products including t-shirts, posters, keychains and more! 
Individual prints can be purchased from my Zazzle store in a 12"x12" size that perfectly fit inside an inexpensive scrapbook page frame.  Fun wall art, spell out your child's name, or yours, or wear your favorite letter proudly on a T!
Customer Orders Happily Considered! Message Me!
Have a Pop Art Mini Day!