Thursday, July 22, 2010

TuTu CUTE . . . Frilly and Foo-Foo Fabulous!

I have been trying to find some inspiration for a Pop Art Mini that requires a purple, pink, and blue tutu and in the process was drawn to a Facebook Connection that has the most adorable tutus!  If you have a little girl and are looking for the something for her to wear that's just TuTu Cute than definitely check out Goody Goody Tutus! She makes the most adorable and fun tutu's in a variety of themes and colors.  The Swashbuckling Sweetheart is one of her latest designs and it would make a pirate's heart melt!

Here's a couple more of the adorable and foo-foo fabulous creations!

I am definitely sharing this with my Sister . . . this would be perfect for our little 3 year old darling, Londyn! mmmm...wonder which tutu she would like?  I'm thinking Disney

I think I have some great inspiration! Now off to sketch!
And don't forget to check out Goody Goody Tutus on Facebook and Esty!  
Hope you have a TUTU fun weekend!