Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Cat In The Hat and A Whole Lot of That!

So I got up this morning . . . earlier than I would have liked considering I didn't actually fall asleep until 2 something in the morning (still adjusting from my flight back across the sea.)  Anyway I found for some strange reason I had a whole lot of rhyming going on in my brain.  This may be caused in part by being gone for the last week on a product development trip to China, where most of the time I find it hard to get across my somewhat silly sense of humor which could have thrown my brain into a tizzy.  LOL  I must admit is not a bad place to be especially if it can create a journey of Seuss-tacular proportions!
So I couldn't resist pecking out a couple of rhymes that hopefully will end up being the starting point for some creative Pop Art Minis expression (I can definitely see something creative coming out of this) and a little play time as well! 
So without further ado . . . rhyming inspiration from me to you! 

A Seuss-Soicetacular Journey!
How about an adventure a Seuss-tacular journey
As crooked as the road from here to McKearny
If you ask how to get there, I’ll say use your imagination . . .
It’s a fantastical place, an inventive creation.
So gather your thoughts and think in rhyme
If you put your mind to it you’ll have the best time.
It’s a place that you can visit at the drop of a "cat’s hat"
And stay as long as you want it’s as simple as that!

A Trip Across The Sea . . . You See?
It’s good to be home after my trip across the sea!
And it seems that my head has me rhyming with glee.
I think that this day may become quite outrageous
A day full of fun it may be contagious!
So if you’re in the mood for a crazy good time
Please come along, join me for a day full of rhyme!

A footnote or two! A tip of my "Cat's Hat" to the good Dr. himself!
My favorite "Seuss-isms
One Two Three of my favorites you see . . .
1.  "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
2.  “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
3.  “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
How about you? Do you have one or two?

 Glad the day started early because I'm a long way from done!
Wishing you a day of non-sensical humor and fun!