Sunday, August 1, 2010

Boo-tiful & Hauntingly Fun Halloween Decorating Ideas!

Well, it's August 1 and I thought it would be fun to get a jump on Halloween with some boo-tiful and hauntingly fun Halloween Decorating Ideas.  so....I've been google searching high and low and have uncovered some treats that I found inspiring enough to share with boo...oh, I mean YOU!

1st up . . . Candy Corn Containers
This sweet treat is always a hit and why not use it for decor too!  Fill up glass cylinders, clear jars & bottles that would be perfect for holding candles and fall flower arrangements!  It's colorful, cute and just plain SWEET!

#2 - A Wall Mural of Monumental Proportions
Ok, this one may require a big blow up of a creepy haunted house, but the effect is amazing! Add the black wreaths and deck out your black table with the goodies shown below and I'm sure you'll have yourself one hauntingly boo-tiful look! ahhhhhhhhaaaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaa! (sorry I couldn't resist)

Seeing how the last photo had some fun food placed strategically upon the table this next addition is an edible treat that, uh . . . well you definitely can eat, but would you want to? 

#3 Freaky Witches Fingers and Other Edible or perhaps Un-edible Halloween Treats

#4 Spooky Terrariums
All you need to make these Spooky Spectacles come to life are a few empty pickle, jelly, and other glass jars.  Add some painted twigs, plastic creepy crawlers and a stuffed crow or two and before long you'll have yourself quite a collection of haunting terrariums all brought back from the dead!

And up last, in our first (with more to come) Halloween Decorating Ideas post is something that's got us stuck like glue to the idea . . . Sticviews!
Creative stickers that only stick as long as you want them too and can be created using your own images or you can choose from their Halloween Gallery of Ghoulish Goodies!  They stic to anything: walls, windows, ceilings, your car, bathroom and kitchen tiles, furniture, anything, but when you're done they come "unstuck" with no mess and nothing left behind . . . the perfect disappearing act! Ghostly to say the least!

So that's all for now.  I will definitely continue my quest for more fun Halloween decorating ideas and would love to have you share your Halloween decorating ideas and finds here too!
Happy Haunting!