Saturday, August 14, 2010

Grow! Poppies! Grow! The Coach Poppy Project

What's that at the left side of the page? It's the Coach Poppy Garden! Help it grow by clicking on the black Poppies! A tweet screen will pop up and all you have to do is click "Tweet It"! Easy and with that one click the garden will may even see a fun surprise pop up! Now wouldn't that be fun!
So remember . . . the tweets make the garden grow . . . so keep tweeting!
Black Poppies create a tweet from Pop Art Minis right to Twitter!
The Poppy Coach Project posts new prizes daily and one might even show up on our Pop Art Minis Blog so check back and tweet it out daily...every hour...every minute! Ok, I'm getting carried away!
Thanks for helping the Pop Art Minis Coach Poppy Garden Grow!

The Poppy Project is painting the web Poppy and creating a network of great sites. Remember, we'll be hiding Poppy surprises along the trail, and the more you visit, tweet and share a site's pattern, the more unique it will grow.