Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's "Panda-Moonium" - Gotta Love A Full Moon...Awesome!

Tonight when I was driving home from work I glanced up to see the most amazing full moon.  When I first noticed it, it was still low in the sky and looked like it was hanging over the mountains...very cool.  I wish I could have gotten that shot, but it would have been a little hard to stop on the Freeway ramp when there were about 25 cars trailing behind me! LOL.  Anyway, when I finally got home the moon had made it's climb to a higher position in the sky, but it was still pretty darn AWESOME!
"Over the Moon" with inspiration  I "buzzed" into the house and upstairs to my drawing table and proceeded to work on what I ended up calling "Panda-Moonium"  Why the Panda?  We'll that's what stage of my creative moon I'm in right now so I thought it just made sense...and a little telling of my current state...hehehe!  I also created a photo progression of the process . . . sometimes fun to see the start, middle and finished design.  I hope you enjoy the end result as much as I enjoyed creating it! 
Watch for the design soon in my Pop Art Minis Zazzle Store!

Just in case the blogger video link doesn't work you can view the youtube version here!

And remember
Always Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star
W. Clemont Stone