Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sparkle, Shimmer, Shine on a Halloween Night!

Tonight after work I had to make a run to one of my favorite "treasure find" stores, The Dollar Tree. :) It always seems that everytime I run in to get a few things I need I can always find a new little jewel that sparks an idea for a craft or decorating project.
Well tonight when I ran in for some artificial grapes, I know, don't ask LOL.  I strolled down the candle aisle and spied these clear tall glass religious style candle.   I immediately started thinking . . . what can I make with these...they're only $1.00!  So I picked up 3 and headed to the check out.  By the time I got home I had a semi-formed craft plan in my head as to what I wanted to do.  And with my brain in a Halloween mood lately that's naturally where I ended up going.
Below is the result of this fun, fast and easy to do little project.
For the photos I added a few little extra goodies for a full on festive display. (antique muffin tin with 6 of my mini candy corn votives, Mister Black Cat...I found this little plush guy during my trip to China, tea-dyed Halloween towel and some awesome resin candy corn).  Sooooo....BOO I present to YOU!

This fun little project definitely has my mind a racing with ideas for different twists, embellishments and word art . . . . I'm sure I'll be heading back to the store to get more!
For each candle I used:
1 - Clear Glass Tall Glass Candle holder (removed the stickers)
1 - Tag-board tag (any size will work. I used the larger size available from any office supply store and cut it down to the shape that I wanted. Since the candles are not scented in this type of candle holder I dipped the tags in scented wax and sprinkled them with glitter to add a scentsational touch...Sugar Cookie...soooo yummy.
3 - 1" Round scrapbook stick on tags
1 yd. Halloween ribbon
Glitter - optional

Sparkle, Shimmer, Shine on a Halloween Night
These "Boo To You" Candles glow ever so bright!
Ribbons tied around them in fancy little bows
Scented little tags that tickle your nose!
Add a touch of glitter, a little not too much
A magical Halloween candle a  perfect finishing touch!