Saturday, August 7, 2010

What's on your FAVORITES Bookmark Tab? Care to Share The Good Stuff!

If you're like me you are constantly finding and adding new sites to your Favorites Bookmark Tab. I have so many I finally created category folders so I could organize and find them more quickly.  
Besides the necessary sites ie; bank, credit cards, webmail, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I have some sites that I think are definitely worth being a part of my "fav" quick click list.  I thought it would be fun to share some of the sites that I have on my "Fav" tab and hope that you might share some of yours . . . who knows maybe we'll all discover some new, fun, creative, familiar, hilarious and useful sites that just have to be added to that special button called FAVORITES!
Here's a list of 12 fun and fab sites, in no particular order, but definites on my quick click list! 
(I have more, but thought 12 was enough to start with!) LOL

The Hive - Social networking with fantastic blog interaction! A great place to buzz around in!
Picnik - Upload, print, collage, create - a fun place to turn a picture into a masterpiece!
Twittercounter - If you love to tweet you might like to know your stats!
Project Wonderful - Online advertising awesome and easy even for the little guy!
Spoonflower - Create your own fabric? How cool is that! Plus, contests and challenges!
My Free Copyright - We all need a little protection...right?
Linky Tools - Link up! Connect!
Wix - Free flash websites that you create yourself! Fun!
Cnet - Free software downloads - safe
Will & Guy's Funny Clean Jokes - We all need to laugh, plus there's alot of interesting stuff here!
Creative Shake Up - A place that helps put the creative world to work
Mental Floss Magazine - A knowledge junkie's dealer! LOL

What's on your FAVORITES Bookmark Tab?  Please share!