Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Calling All Creatives! It's An Un-BEE-lievable HIVE Challenge! Are You In?

With so much creative talent at The Hive I thought it might be fun to start an Un-BEE-lieveable Bee-Weekly (Hive talk for Bi-Weekly)  Challenge.  Themes for the challenge will mainly be-BEE related to The Bumble Buzzing Beauties themselves . . . BEES! 
Anything goes as far as the medium (paper, pencil, fabrics, etc.)  used to create your entry.  The only thing that is required is that you use the Concept for the week as the inspiration for your creative entry and that you copy and paste the challenge link on your blog or website after posting your entry.   
The Challenge is open to anyone with a special incentive for Creatingthehive.com  members . . . not a member yet, sign up for FREE here.
(Each entry from a member of The Hive will be placed into a bonus drawing for a $10.00 gift card for Amazon.com  Winner for the gift card will be selected by random.org from all The Hive member posts and the winning name posted at the end of each challenge) 
Once you have finished your Un-Bee-Lievable Bee-utiful Challenge Piece You will need to go to the Pop Art Minis Un-BEE-lievable Challenge Page to post your entry, copy and paste the link up tool to your blog in order to be counted in the voting.  Then . . . send your friends, family, twitter and Facebook Peeps to view your entry and VOTE!!!!
The winning entry from each Bee-Weekly Challenge will receive a Winning Blog Post on The Pop Art Minis Blog site that posts also to The Hive.  I will also feature the winning entry on the Pop Art Minis Facebook Page and Tweet at the top of my Twittering lungs about your Bee-utiful Challenge Winning Entry!
On top of all that you will receive a Bee Inspired Collection of Scented Candle Goodies and a $15.00 Amazon Gift Card.