Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's All The Buzz About A Place Called The Hive?

A few weeks ago I was on one of my typical google search and find missions and came across this new blogging site called The Hive. With a natural curiosity I started buzzing around and decided that hey, it's FREE why not join. After a couple days of reading posts and throwing out a couple of my own I realized that I could import my blog from my blogger account and with a couple quick clicks wha-la . . . 10 posts imported and all of a sudden the points started racking up...too fun, I thought!
I was hooked . . . a part of the The Hive . . . a true bee-liever. . . one of the working blogger bees! Ok, you get the picture! beehehehehe! (sorry I can't resist the bee-puns)
Creator's Melissa and John Marro (along with some other beehind the scenes creatives) are the geniuses behind . . . a social networking community for everyone who enjoys, works, lives, breathes the world of arts, crafts and hobbies! This place called The Hive has become a daily, sometimes hourly, well actually sometimes every few minutes read for me! With so much action you can become quite involved or if you only want to stay in the background and buzz quietly around that's perfectly fine too! It's fun, it's interactive and I can honestly say that I've made some amazing contacts through the site!
So what's so special about this blogging site over some of the others?
There's ALOT of interaction, support and encouragement.
Members take an interest in each other and really seem to care about reading your posts and actually leaving comments. I know that my personal blogger site can go weeks without a comment, but in The Hive you'll see comments and encouraging words daily!
There's also The Points! A definite motivation to keep blogging, commenting, sharing and interacting . . . and as much as I try and not think about it, well I do! LOL
So if you're looking for some good old fashioned fun, alot of interaction and encouragement from some amazingly creative and ingenious people you should check out THE HIVE!
You'll BEE glad you did!