Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Fae Watch" The Lost Sketches! Do You Believe?

After a restless few nights where it seems my tick tock clock is still moving through some other time zone I came home from work today and thought it would be a good idea to take a quick nap!  Well, it is now 12:22 a.m. (now 1:07 a.m.) and I am wide awake so evidently the nap idea was not one of the better one's I've had! So, what's a girl to do, but blog!
With grumblings from my belly for some nourishment I headed downstairs to the kitchen and while on my way to prepare a decadent snack I noticed out of the corner of my eye a twinkling and rustling of paper.  There on a shelf was a book of sketches that I had started several, well, probably 2-3 years ago.  I had forgotten about these little gems that featured pen & ink along with pencil renderings of "fae" creations.  I love the fantasy and magic of fairies and thought it would be fun to share the sketches along with a few other treasures I found while on this inspiring "Fae Watch".  So here are a few quick pics of  the once "lost sketches" (maybe not lost...buried under a mountain of papers).  These were just quick, rough designs that I had planned on, well, I don't really know that I had a plan at the time I was just inspired to create them. Fairy Magic I guess...hehehe!

In this last sketch photo I included a colorful collection of fairy cards that I also found in the pile of goodies!

Here's another little fun piece that I created a while back . . . on the same shelf. An altered "Fairy Firefly" that stands poised inside an old glass canning jar.  Seems not to be too happy inside there.  Think I should let her out?  hehehe!

I know not everyone BELIEVES in fairies, but you know the world might be a better place if we sometimes just let our creative imaginations soar with inspiration and share kindness joy and laughter with each other everyday!
I BELIEVE and I hope you do too!
As the little sign that hangs by my front door says,
"Fairy Tales Do Come True" 
And That My Friend Is My Wish To YOU!