Monday, August 23, 2010

How About A Little Alphabet Soup? Animal Characters From A-Z

Thought with fall approaching and the weather about to turn it would be fun to mix up a big bowl of Pop Art Minis' Alphabet Soup.  I'm sure alot of my Pop Art Minis friends from Facebook will recognize these Alphabet Animal characters as it took me...oh, several weeks to work through the process of creating this collection called "Alphabet Soup" and I received lots of amazing suggestions and inspiration from many of them as I worked through the process.  Plus, the designs have picked up steam (aaaahhhh...a steaming bowl of hot Alphabet Soup...sorry, couldn't resist!)  in my Zazzle Store and thought it would be fun to put together a little video of the collection for old times sake!  It's always nice to share the experience with new friends so I hope you don't mind (if you seen it all before) a look back at the Alphabet Soup Collection from A-Z!