Monday, October 4, 2010

$1.00 Inspiration . . . "Monday Muse On A Budget" WOOF!

There are lots of great places to seek inspiration for creative fun, artistic flair and crafty creations, but today I thought that it would be fun to kick off a new share called "Monday Muse On A Budget"!  Inspired by a find from a local Dollar Store . . . a plain white, stuffed autograph hound that was just barking, oops, I mean begging to for some creative embellishment.  So with a few markers and my imagination I started drawing and here is my doodle creation with a little inspiration! 

Maybe not a great masterpiece, but fun none the less and less is the key word . . . $1.00! 
Plus, I know with a few found objects, buttons, bows and or whatever else you might have laying around in your "crafty stash" this little hound could be even more fab!  
I just broke it down to the bare (dog) bones, so to speak! WOOF!
So, if you've been inspired to run out to your local Dollar Store and  pick up a blank slate "autograph hound" to create your own "Bob Barker" I'd love if to see your inspired designs!
Hoping to make  “Monday Muse On A Budget” a mini  platform for more mini arts and crafts projects that, well, basically cost $1.00 or less! 

Seek, experiment, create fearlessly and know that creating can be fun even on a budget!