Monday, October 4, 2010

What's Twitterbee Tuesday. . . It's the Twitter BUZZzz In The Hive! Link Up!

It's when all of the #twitterbees from this place called Creating The Hive join together to buzz about "The Twitter" leaving tweets about all the fun things happening in The Hive and following other
creative bees that love to tweet the buzz! 
And what's The Hive?  Well it just happens to BEE a very dynamic and active social networking community of some very creative artists in the arts, crafts and hobby industry! 
So if you haven't checked it out buzz on by now! 
And  if you are already a member of The Hive we sure hope you'll join us for some
#Twitterbees Tuesday fun! 
Come on along and get your Buzzzzz on . . . you'll BEE glad you did!  
Don't forget the hashtag #twitterbees! See you on "The Twitter"! (Thanks Betty White!)
Follow Me Twitterbee!

The "Tuesday Twitterbee" design will be available in my Pop Art Minis Zazzle Store . . . just in case you might bee interested! hehehe!