Friday, February 11, 2011

From Oranges to Apples And A Touch Down In The Lone Star State

Sitting at John Wayne Airport in "sunshiny" Orange County...smiles~
and in only a few short minutes will be boarding the plane for my trip to Toy Fair in the Big Apple! It should be a pretty good flight since the weather across the big board looks pretty decent...and that's a BIG deal since it's been soooo bad lately!
A short touch down in the Lone Star State

for a quick bite and a trip on the mini tram to my next gate...that place is huge...I guess that's how they roll in Texas! LOL
I'm sure I'll have alot to talk about while I'm taking a bite out of the apple!
Toy Fair will pretty much dominate my topic of conversation and I can't wait to share pix of our (Charisma that is) booth.  Dolls, Dolls, and MORE Dolls...dolls that will make a debut...dolls that are fancy and frou, frou...dolls that have lots of hair...dolls that wear underwear...ok, sorry, orange you glad I stopped!
Oops, just looked at the clock...time to rock!

From the OC (Orange County that is) with a stop in the Lone Star State (Dallas, Texas to be exact) to New York City (the bright big apple) wishing you a day of lofty thoughts full of juicy oranges, delicious apples and a starring role in your dreams!