Saturday, February 19, 2011

Layers of Hats...How Silly is That? Illustration Friday - Layer!

Hat's Off by Joni Nickrent copyright 2011

How silly is that
To layer all those hats
Silly is the right word...of course it's just absurd!
Hats on such a tiny head
Purple, yellow and even red
That's just silly I say...yes, silly in every way!
You'd think it'd cause a stir
A Bowler, a top hat, one with fur
It really is quite silly...really, yes, really!
But if you are like me
That's the stuff you like to see
Silly, Really Silly...layers of hats from plain to frilly!
Now grab a hat or two
Layer hats is what we do
Cause being silly can be fun...not just for me, but for everyone!

Now there's quite a few layers in this stack of hats!

The layers of hats growing one by one!

It can be quite fun when you see how it's done.

Look who's at the bottom of the layers of stacked hats!

Layers of Hats...the tip-top of the stack!

A little video the many "layers" of Hats from start to finish!

Todays Pop Art Mini was brought to you with inspiration from Illustration Friday word of the week.
