Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Little Bit of Heaven in Hell's Kitchen!

In NYC for the 2011 Toy Fair and decided that we needed to spice things up after a long day of booth set up! So with a suggestion from the hotel consignee we headed to "Hell's Kitchen"!  Nouvelle Mexican "Mexican food for Gringo foodies" LOL!
We arrived at the restaurant and actually didn't even know we were big sign...just several little etched glass signs across the floor to ceiling windows in the front of the restaurant. The cabby said this is've arrived! I thought hell...that was fast! (Sorry, a little of my devilish side coming out!)
We walked inside through two heavy velvet drapes...The restaurant was small, quaint and quite busy, but we managed to snag ourselves two seats at the bar.
We quickly ordered up an appetizer...freshly made guac and chips...AWESOME!
Next up the entree'...I went with a "gringo" choice of the chicken quesadilla and it was perfect...grilled to perfection...and I know good grilled tortillas when I see and taste them! YUM!
All in all our trip to hell, oops, I mean "Hell's Kitchen" was pretty darn great!  In fact I wouldn't mind visiting was almost flames, no devils and no bad food!