Thursday, March 3, 2011

Celebrate, Sing...Eat A Sweet Treat! A Creative Cure For A Cold!

I've been fighting this cold thingy, but started to feel a little better tonight and needed to get my creative flowing and finish up a WIP that I started like 100 days ago...ok, maybe not that long ago, but long enough!  If felt good to draw again and you know I really seem to be feelling better...maybe creative is the new cure for the common cold!
So from this sketch above created with love...for that little guy called The Cat In The Hat in celebration of the good Dr. Seuss's Birthday (a day late...sorry!)  The Finished Pop Art Mini...
"Celebrate, Sing...Eat A Sweet Treat!"
Celebrate, Sing...Eat A Sweet Treat  by Joni Nickrent  copyright 2011

Who can resist a sprinkles cupcake! SMILES!

A close up...the eyes have it! hehehe

Collage letters...CELEBRATE! please pass me a tissue...achoo...who knew!