Monday, March 7, 2011

Playback...And Then On To The Next Adventure!

Whew! What a crazy and fun weekend! The QVC doll shows were amazing!
In case you missed the shows you can check out the Q online for video playbacks of many of the dolls (that are still left) on-air presentations!
Here's a look at what you'll find as Little Lovey (one of my faves) is presented by Marie. For the On Air Presentation of this doll check HERE!
Or CLICK HERE for more wonderful dolly shares on the Q!
A Big Thanks to all the amazing dolly friends who made it all worth the trip!
Now it's time to head back home to get ready for the next adventure...sitting at the airport waiting to board as I type!
I'm looking forward to getting back in the office so I can begin the "jumbo-sized" preparation for the dolly development trip to's coming up quickly.  So little to do and so much time! No, wait, strike that...So much to do and so little time! (yeah, cliche' I know, but I couldn't resist).
Hopefully I'll get some Pop Art Mini time in this week too...I have alot of ideas swirling around in my head and I need to get them on paper.  And I've already started planning for next Friday's Free Printable...did you get last week's?  If not you can still grab it here!
So until later...stay safe and enjoy all of the adventures in your life!
Live! Laugh! Soar!

Oh, and don't forget to check back tomorrow when I post the winner of the FREE DOLLY Giveaway! Wonder who the lucky ducky will be?