Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's Almost Dolly Showtime! Celebrating 20 Year's Of Dolls with Marie Osmond!

Celebrating 20 years of making amazing and beautiful dolls!
Today is going to be a busy one that ends with a red-eye flight and touch down in Philly to kick off a whirlwind weekend of dolly styling, photo shoots of the dolls for their on-air debut, dolly talk and prep before the final call of lights, camera, cue the host and the Marie Osmond QVC Doll Show begins! 
It's always a busy, but extremely exciting time and one that takes months of pre-planning, tweaks, changes, twists, turns, fluffs, folds and oh, so much more to get to the big day when Marie introduces all of the new dolls on air to all of her amazing doll friends across the country and beyond! 
Marie Osmond Dolls  2011 Doty Industry Choice Winners
I'm lucky enough to be able to share in this excitement from the beginning of the doll development to the big reveal and hope that you might be able to get the chance to tune in during one of the upcoming shows this
Monday, March 7, 2011 1:00 a.m. EST and 2:00 p.m. EST
Watch as Marie shares the stories behind each of the beautiful doll creations.  I's going to be A Hoot!
Even if you don't love dolls (but, come on, who doesn't love dolls...hehehe) I'm sure you'll enjoy the quick wit, delightful stories and charm of Marie, the QVC hosts (Antonella and Mary Beth) and the playfully fun stories of each beautiful dolly!  Who might even decide to bring a new friend home to your house!
Oh, and I'll be standing on the sidelines just in case the call for "dolly touch-up" is heard!
Watch for behind the scenes tweets, pix and fun little tidbits from Marie and the entire Charisma Gang...

Oh, one more about a dolly GIVEAWAY!
For everyone that leaves a comment HERE on this blog post.  I'll enter your name into a drawing to win a Marie Osmond Collectible doll! It will be a surprise doll of my choice, but you won't be disappointed!
(Comments close Monday, March 7, 2011 at 11:59 pm. Winner will be announced Tuesday, March 8, 2011 by 9:00 pm. PST)
Oh, and if you TWEET this post (come back and leave another comment sharing your twitter name so I can check) I'll add your name for a second chance...yep, two fun!
So go ahead...comment below...tweet and share it to your friends and let's have some good old fashioned delightfully fun dolly play time!
You're never too old to play with dolls!