Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Tumble Bumble Bee Treat...Oh, So Sweet!

"Tumble Bumble Sweet Treat"   by Joni Nickrent   copyright 2011
Well it looks like the tumble bumble bee from last nights "Scribble, Doodle, Sketch Blog" ended up becoming a "full-blown" Pop Art Mini.  Playfully buzzing about a sweet treat bumble hive cupcake thanks to suggestions from the #twitterbees on the Twitter!  I'm pretty happy with the way he turned out...bright, bold, silly and sweet!
"Tumble Bumble Sweet Treat"   by Joni Nickrent   copyright 2011
From doodle sketch to full Pop Art Mini
Sketch to Color  
The finishing touches!

hmmm....wonder who might buzz by next?