Monday, March 14, 2011

Pop Art Mini Paper Dolls...A Work In Progress!

Patty Ann Paper Doll   
When I was a little girl I used to play paper dolls for hours!  I still have several sets that I found a while back...vintage for sure! If you missed the post you can check it out here! With all the reminiscing I thought it would be fun to create a set of Pop Art Minis Paper Dolls and sketched out the first little doll and a set of 3 outfits.   
I'll be working on the  "pops" of color this week and hope to have them ready to share soon, but did have a chance to add the color to the doll!
Patty Ann with her "pop" of color!
Costume sketches...waiting ready for color!
So what do you think...Wanna play "paper dolls"?