Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Little Apartment Therapy...My Daughter's New Digs!

It's been a busy weekend with my Daughter making a move into a new apartment! Always a challenge to get everything packed, loaded, moved, unloaded and reorganized in the new place...apartment therapy! So besides the usual challenges of renting the truck, coordinating all the help...which ended up being a lot fewer peeps than originally planned...making sure all the utilities are stopped and started, the ups and downs of stairs, etc. all in all the end result was a big SUCCESS!  The new place is the perfect size for two people, it has a lot of charm and with a few fun decorating touches became a cozy place uniquely her own! So here's the before and after of the apartment therapy that transpired in the new digs! Can you dig it?

The Living Room with a look towards the mini deck...waiting for the transformation!

A Sofa, Loveseat, a few Pop Art Minis (the Alice and Wonderland Collection) the Entertainment center and lots and lots of music equipment...they could definitely start a band! hehehe! All in all it came together pretty nicely and everything fits like a glove!  (The view looking towards the deck)

The view from the deck.  Add a sofa, loveseat, a couple parsons tables placed side by side and a few fun accents making the cozy space perfect for watching tv or hanging out with friends.  The striped rug picks up the colors in the couch, curtain swag, decorative accents on the tables and wall art.

The mini deck...a work in progress...

A minor change here, but with a few plants to be added later it will become a nice little place to sit, relax and enjoy the breeze!

The bedroom before

The Bedroom After...still minus a few pillows and wall art to come later, but off to a good start!

A view of from the living room to the kitchen area.  The table that once was part of my decor has now found a new home and a perfect fit I must admit! 

A view from the dining area into the kitchenette area.  Notice the "bright idea" that was added on the cabinet end.  A vinyl piece of wall art that found added a nice whimsical touch and adding to the black and white theme in the kitchen area.

A view from the kitchenette to the dining area...highlighted with a painting by my daughter adding  a perfect pop of red!  A few round mirrors with black frames and another art poster framed in black continue the theme!

And lastly with a tip of a hat or 2 or 3 to be exact a space saving computer desk and a fun chair (both IKEA finds) make an awesome place to surf the web!

Ahhh...there's no place like Home Sweet Home!