Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Little Family Skype Time To Plan Our California Holiday Adventure!

Time To Board The Santa Express for A Good Old Fashioned California Holiday Adventure!
So this morning I was awaken by a buzz, buzzz, buzz as my Skype rang out on my computer.  It was my Sister Shari buzzing me in for our first official Family Skype Conference call to plan the fast approaching California Holiday Adventure!  Before long my Niece Jaci had joined the conversation and a short time later, my other Sis, Ami, My Daughter Emily and my Niece Ashlee! It was definitely a colorful and fun time and we were able to get through the planning of the entire trip in just under 3 hours...yeah, 3 hours,  but it was all FREE (gotta love skype) and so much fun! 
I think we might make it a regular Sunday morning event! hehehe. 
Since I live in California my house will be the home base during the time that everyone is here and that means that I will definitely be doing some holiday decorating this year.  Motivation that I have not seemed to have in the last couple years so that's a good thing! Plus, we have so many fun things planned from a fishing trip launching from Balboa Harbor with an evening cookout and mmemorial for my Mom on the beach (that's gonna be a tough one) to a Mighty Ducks Hockey Game that kicks off my daughter's Birthday...and so much more in between! Actually we'll be celebrating 3 birthdays...Emily, Evan and Parker...WOW!
From Jaci's notes Shari even created a fun event schedule complete with little cute is this!

Oh, I'm sure as the saying goes, "best laid plans of mice and men . . . " there will be a few tweaks and changes to the schedule before and probably during the holiday trip, but what is for sure is that it will be awesome to all be together for the holidays!  
So, now my job will be to prep the house, create the menus for meals at the home base and make sure that I have enough clean towels and places for everyone to sleep!  This may be a bigger job than I thought...better get a move on!

So to summarize...
Fishing Trip $72.25, Disney Tickets $101.00 (unless Saul comes through, hehehe), Breakfast with the Goofy $30.00 (Parker's Bday A Can't Miss), Dinner at the Elvis Restaurant $25.00 + (Celebrating Evan's Bday), Ducks Hockey Tickets $36.00 (yeah, we're in the nosebleed section), Birthday Cake from Whole Foods $45.00+ (Emily's Bday Request) Car Rentals, Meals, Shopping $ALOT!