Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Went Back To The Drawing Board with a little "Let It Snow!"

It's been a while since I've taken the time and felt really inspired to work on a new Pop Art Mini design, but today was the day.  Motivated by a Pop Art Minis facebook Giveaway I'm putting together I decided that the theme would be "Let It Snow". . .  thanks to alot of input from my friends on facebook!  Inspired and ready to go I pulled out the oil pastels and the result . . .
a silly little snowman with a tip top, top hat, a perfect little panda-santa friend (sans the beard) and Milly the Mouse sitting happily on the brim of the top hat . . . a few candy canes, holly berries and snowflakes swirling in the background and wha-la . . . ready, set, "Let It Snow!"

A little video that shows the design from start to finish!