Thursday, November 4, 2010

Playing The Catch Up Game . . . Creative Re-entry!

I've been back from my "Dolly" product development trip to China and Sri Lanka for a couple days now and have begun the game called "Catch Up". . . with no time for monkey business! hehehe!

While I was away candle orders from my Primitive Cottage Collections store became quite backed up and so I began the first round of "catch up" by doing alot of dipping, dipping, and more dipping.  I've managed to make a dent in the stack of orders, but still a ways to go.  One dip at a time and hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll be caught up with this part of my life. 
Next up in the catch up game was the re-entry back into the office! Swatched!

My first day back after the 2 week product development trip and my desk, although clean when I arrived looked like a disaster area before I left. After starting the work day at 6:00 a.m. due to the fact that my body time clock is a little messed up at the moment (posting at 1:34 a.m. today as well) I managed to get a few major things completed plus was surprised by an awesome meal of homemade enchiladas and turtle bday cake (thanks to some special peeps in the office)!

Blogging...yeah, I missed this alot while I was gone and am trying again to get back on a schedule.  I guess that's why I'm sitting here again at a ridiculous hour of the night blogging about the "Catch Up" game.  And really need buzz The Hive...have missed keeping up with all my #twitterbee friends!

Pop Art Minis...oh, how I have neglected you!  A promise to myself that I MUST finish and upload all of the images for the 2011 Calendar Design including the elusive cover that I just can't seem to find time to complete!  Definitely will be DONE this weekend!

Along with the following list of additional MUST DO'S!

1.  Helping my daughter move into her new apartment!  (A definite decorating blog here...hehehe)
2.  At least 1-2 NEW Holly Day Pop Art Minis Designs
3.  Finish pulling together all the goodies for the Pop Art Minis Facebook Milestone Contest Giveaway Goodie Package (this one's gonna be big...thinking Celebration filled with holiday fun a few polka dots a penguin or two thrown in for good measure, definitely a Pop Art Mini ACO and something that will help you create a sweet treat...hehehe...stay tuned)
4.  Finding a new kitchen/dining table to replace the dining table that has now become my daughter's new dining room table! Not sure how that happened, but I'm sure it's gonna look cute in her new place and I"m looking forward to getting a new and larger set that will accommodate a few more people.
Thinking this might be the one, but I will definitely be changing out the chair cushions to something that is more bold! :)
5.  Cleaning and organizing The House...big CATCH UP here....eeek...maybe this one will come off the list until later! hehehe~
6.  Catching up on some more blogging fun...have some amazing pics from the travels that I am definitely looking forward to sharing!  Sneak Peak Pic...Elephant Awesome!

7.  New project that requires some major sketch time inspired by my trip as well...
graphic, bold, green? Yeah...gonna be soooo cool!
8.  Catching up with family and friends and maybe even a little continued birthday celebrating!

Plus, I think today is the day that my birthday pinata arrives and I can't wait to see what goodies are tucked inside...definitely will share that!

WHEW, so that's my "Catch Up" game list and now I'm off to catch up on just a bit more sleep before the sun comes up or is that the Chinese moon! Zzzzzzz!