Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Alphabet Soup . . . My First Picture Book Idea With Some Rhyme Time Fun!

I've been wanting to do this for a while . . . write a little rhyme time, picture book.  After considering all of the possibilities and starting points I thought why not blog about it and see what everyone thinks.  So here it is . . . my first attempt (a rough idea for the cover, ending and everything in between..heheh) which includes all of my  Alphabet Soup Pop Art Mini Collection illustrations with some rhyming fun! Next step . . . maybe actually putting it up on! SMILES! You never know what possibilities lie ahead unless you dream, imagine and explore! Hope you like it . . .would love to hear what you think!
(WARNING! Lots of pix ahead...hehehe)


Now I've shared my A, B, C's next time won't you sing with me!