Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Sweet Tweet Inspired by A Vintage Valentine...An Illustration of Love!

I'm still finding inspiration from Vintage Valentine finds from the other day . . . remember the little birdie valentine from my post a couple days ago?  Well, she's back (that's her peaking out at the edge of the sketch) and she's the starting inspiration for my latest Pop Art Mini design, "Sweet Tweet". 
 I changed up the colors a bit and added a little wire birdcage (another inspiration that keeps floating in the back of my mind), a few more hearts, a rose headpiece and a message that "chirps" of a reference to that thing called "Twitter".  And without further ado I'd like to introduce to you "Sweet Tweet"

And since I hadn't shared a progressive picture show lately thought I'd throw in few quick flashes . . .  Sometimes it's fun to see how it's done

After the pencil sketch is complete I apply a layer of white to the entire paper.

Next up background...which is usually several shades of blue and sometimes a touch of green.

More blue...

Next up a little brown and the details start to come together

Adding black outline accents that will be blended into the color for a nice shaded look.

A little more to be precise.

And next a bit of comes the bold, bright colors

Catch a fella with a little bit of yella...hehehe

And the blending begins first using the white oil pastel . . .

and than the blending stick.

After the blending the details and finishing touches

Tweet! Tweet! It's just about complete . . . signing off!

Wishing you a day filled with "Sweet Tweets"!