Monday, January 24, 2011

I WON! I WON! Take A Look At My Awesome Blog Candy from Artist, Lisa Griffin!

A BIG THANKS to artist and Hive friend Lisa M. Griffin for the awesome Blog Candy package that arrived on my doorstep a few days ago.  If you haven't seen Lisa's work you really must check out her blog to see all of her "awesomeness".   She's a creative artist that not only can paint and draw, but does some amazing beadwork too!  And I was lucky enough to win won of her "Blog Candy" giveaway goodie packages that included a little bit of everything she does ! Just LOOK . . . WOW!

A beautiful 3x3 Original Watercolor Illustration...signed too!
An  "Emerald Rose" beaded book thong! Yeah, how cool is that!
A fun greeting card with the cutest bunny and fairy illustration...LOVE!

Thanks again Lisa for the SWEET Blog Candy! I am one Lucky Ducky!