Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Homemade Tacos...From Pan to Plate They're G*R*E*A*T!

If you follow me on twitter you probably already know that I tweet alot about my love of homemade tacos and guac! It's a meal that we have at our house oh, at least 3 times a week...and I could probably have them everyday, but I would end up on that show about peeps with weird eating habits! LOL!
I do have to say though that if you tried these tacos you might just find yourself feeling the same way about them as I do.  In fact I made them for my family when they were visiting from Illinois and they were a BIG much so that I couldn't make them fast enough! 
So, I thought I'd share a little step by step picture collage of how I make my pan-grilled "TACO-riffic" treats!
(Pssst . . . the ranch is my secret ingredient! hehehe!)

From the pan to the plate...they are definitely great!