Sunday, January 23, 2011

D.I.Y. Makeover! From A $10.00 Flea Mkt. Find To My "Crafty-Station-Table Thingy"!

"The Crafty-Station-Table-Thingy"
I decided that it was time to create an official "Craft Station" within my nest.  So after hunting around the house for something that might work and coming up empty handed it was off to the local Sunday Flea Market.  After walking the entire grounds and still not finding what I was looking for we decided to make one last sweep and low and behold...there it was...tucked back in the back of a booth...covered with boxes of patterns, ornaments and other "junk", oops, I mean treasures!  I approached with caution, not wanting to seem to eager.  Gave it the look...asked the price and the answer came back $20.00! WHAT!?!  Ok, this was gonna take a little more "pointing out" the flaws of the piece to get it to the price I wanted to pay and after a few more minutes we were all in agreement the "crafty-station-table-thingy" was mine for $10.00! YAY! 
So we loaded up the truck and headed back to the house so that I could get the project started! Full steam ahead!
And NOW we get to the good stuff...the pix...the before and the "Happily Ever After"!  Ok, that might be getting just a little carried away! LOL  But, I am happy with the results and it fit perfectly into my studio "nesting" space.  So give it a "look-see" and let me know what you think.  I'm thinking..."Let The Crafting Begin!"  SMILES!

Home and ready for the make-over!

A little elbow grease for the clean up.

A little sanding to take off the shine and so the paint would stick better.

A light coat of the black spray paint to prime.

A little more's starting to look like a new table!

And some more...guess what? I ran out of paint and had to run out for more...eeeek! Took 3 cans. I totally underestimated. 

Almost done!

We've got COMPLETE!  YAY!!!

A couple sheets of 12"x12" scrapbook paper for a drawer liner. Perfect!
Now up to my nest and let the staging begin!

PERFECT FIT! But, looking a little bare! Not for long...

Filling some containers with my stash...Christmas goodies here! (the basket was a thrift store find for $4.00...what a bargain!)

An old hat box was perfect for my Valentine stash!

File folder holder for scrapbook paper and two paper totes I picked up at Big Lots for $.20 each (Christmas Clearance...can't go wrong for that price...hehehe)
12"x12" corkboard square...for tiny bulletins!

And there you have ALL NEW "Crafty-Station-Table-Thingy" ready for some crafting fun to begin! 
Here's a few more pix of the rest of the room and how everything looks all put together.  Excited to get to crafting and creating!

View from the door..."wanna craft"?

A birds-eye view..."my nest"...get it! Ok, corny I know!

My drawing's already made friends with the new craft station...I think they're gonna make a perfect pair! LOL

So there you have $10.00 Flea Market Find that awaits it's first craft project...hhhmmmm...wonder what that should be.