Saturday, January 1, 2011

Just Between You and Me...Random Ramblings To Kick Off The New Year!

One of my favorite blogs is The Idea Room. I have it bookmarked and try and cruise by a few times a week. Today when I visited Amy's blog there was a post of shared random facts about herself and a linky that asked us to post random facts about ourselves. I thought it sounded like fun and would be a great little blog to kick off the new year. So here's 12 things about me that you might not have known. And in return I'd love to hear 12 things (or more if you would like) about YOU! Hope you'll join in the random fun!

1. I am the oldest of 3 girls and we all have names that end with the letter i . . . Joni, Shari, Ami

(Left to right...Shari, Joni (me...hehehe), and Ami, the youngest)
2. I have one daughter that is a New Year's baby born on 1/1/88 and was the first baby of the year in Normal, Illinois...yep, NORMAL!

3. I have a degree in Art Education and taught grades 7-12 after graduating from Illinois State University in uh, we won't go into details on how long ago that was. I was also the Yearbook Advisor and Girl's Basketball Coach...both extra-curricular activities that I LOVED!
4. I have two adorable little doggies named Smokey (a Pekingese - the Old Professor) and Bandit (a Pomeranian-mischievous and always smiling)...yeah, I know and yes, that's why we did!

5. I love, love, love to dance...did I say that I love to Dance? yes? ok, good because I really wanted to make sure that was on the list!
6. I organized and played point guard for our first place campus wide intramural basketball team at Illinois State University...that was a long time ago, but it still makes me smile to remember that . . . I'm 5' 1" tall on a good day! LOL
7. I used to be so afraid of flying that I would not get out of my seat or unfold my hands during the entire flight for fear that something might happen to the plane. Now, I LOVE to fly! How'd that happen?
8. I love to laugh, smile, have fun and be silly. I secretly (or not so secretly now) wanted to be a comedian! LOL...hahaha...yeah, really, I did...LOL
9. I was born and raised in a small town in Illinois called's the Hog Capital of The World...pass me a pork chop please!
10. I love to read...not the great novels of our times, but eeekkk... romance novels! Yeah, the kind with the tall, dark and handsome hunks on the covers well, before they're downloaded to my Kindle. When I'm on a roll I can read 2 a day! Hopelessly romantic? No, just mindless and stress-free fun!
11. I love to draw, paint, create,'s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and I couldn't imagine being me without it!  I started my Pop Art Minis business a little over a year ago where I sell my designs as prints, on t-shirts, mousepads and other fun stuff and have been selling candles and other scented goodies on Ebay since 2003.  I have also had several other businesses through the years and like to think of myself as a hopeful entrepreneur always looking for a way to be able to create and make a living doing it!
12. I have my own space in our house that my husband and daughter lovingly call my's where I go to create, dream and rejuvenate! Oh, how I love my's warm, comfy and colorful!

Ok, enough about me...really, enough! Now it's YOUR turn...what are 12 random facts about YOU?