Sunday, September 26, 2010

THE's HERE! What's In The Box...What's In The Box!

IT'S HERE! THE BOX . . . The Mystery Art GRAB Bag Project box! What could possibly be in THE BOX?  Of course, me being the impatient, never to be kept in the dark for long kind of person that I am I couldn't wait to open "THE BOX"!

Why did I get THE BOX and what's so special about THE BOX is that it's from Alyice Edrich, The Dabbling Mum who posted a blog about a Mystery Art Give Away and asked who wanted to participate in a FREE Giveaway?  Why would anyone NOT want to participate . . . RIGHT? RIGHT! So naturally I was intrigued and definitely interested in finding out how to go about getting one of her "grab bag goodies" filled with mystery artful goodness!   So I hopped over to the post and found out that I might still have a chance.  I added my name to the list, saying "I want In" and than sat back and hoped that I would be selected.  A short time passed I got the word that YES, I would be the recipient of one of the "Mystery Art Give Away" packages! YES, one of THE BOXES would be coming my way! YAY!!!! How exciting!
Well that day came earlier this week when THE BOX (pictured above) Notice how I think it's ok for me to ask you to wait to find out what's in the box, when I couldn't wait one minute to open the box and find out what goodies awaited me...sorry, that is not nice! So, here's a little sneak peek (all wrapped up in cute checked tissue paper and tied neatly with white string.  Ok, that's not much of a sneak peek because you really can't see what's inside . . . just a bit longer for that!

Now, I am not a patient gift receiver! As far back as I can remember I have always wanted to know "what's in the box" almost as soon as I see the box, bag, or whatever it might be that keeps my eyes from viewing what's inside.  This time was no exception!  So I immediately lifted the box off the table and tore it open!

What, where's the goodies . . . just kidding . . . I pulled out one of the most beautiful cards I have seen that had a tree with stitched detailing in pinks, magenta and greens on top of a linen like printed/painted surface. 

My photo does not do it justice! It's gorgeous and also has the word, "soar"  written on the front.  How awesome it this!  Art Card for sure and with a message that, well, just makes you want to soar!

But, that's not all that was in "THE BOX"  wrapped in that tiny package that you saw on top of the larger one (in the photo above) was a tiny gold angel charm that had been attached to a colorful square board with a beaded embellished hanger.  Precious and sweet!  I immediately thought of the perfect place to hang this angel treat . . . close to treasures that are dear to my heart and a photo of my Mom . . . my angel!

So that my friends is the mystery of what was in THE BOX . . . an awesome and very special gift-away! And THE BOX would not have made it's way to my mailbox were it not for the special Mystery Grab Bag artist herself Alyice Edrich!  So a special thanks for sharing THE BOX with me and for allowing me the opportunity to be able to share my experience with all of you!  Please visit Alyices' blog
there's a lot more fun there too! 
And who knows maybe you'll be the next recipient of THE BOX!