Sunday, September 5, 2010

GOOGLE . . . Gregarious, Giggles and Groovy Doodles. I'm Hooked!

I am a Google junkie!

If there is something I don't know and need to find quickly I Google It . . . and sometimes giggle at the greatness of the search!
  So why the post about Google? Well, besides my obvious obsession with Google search it's the LOGO...the Google Doodles as they are creatively called and it all started back in 1999! Here's the exact explanation as to why the logo change from the Google site itself hence
(hence...a funny word, but seemed appropriate...I think I'll google search the origins of that when I'm done here)
the quotations

 "In 1999, the concept of the doodle was born when Google founders Larry and Sergey played with the corporate logo to indicate their attendance at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert. A stick figure drawing was placed behind the 2nd o in the word, Google and the revised logo was intended as a comical message to Google users that the founders were “out of office.” While the first doodle was relatively simple, the idea of decorating the company logo to celebrate notable events was well received by our users."

From that point on it became a tradition and now requires a team of amazing artists to create the awesome changing Google Doodles.  The doodle team has created over 300 for in the US and over 700 have been designed internationally.  Like the amazing company that they are they even host a Doodle 4 Google Contest that lets K-12 students submit their doodles in hopes of being selected as an official Google Doodle Logo for a day!  Actually anyone can try and get in on the doodle deal by either submitting a suggestion for a new Google Doodle to or submitting an actual doodle fan design to  (The Google doodle at the beginning of this post is my Pop Art Minis version)
You can find all of the Google Logos through the years here! 

I think that one of my most favorite Google Doodles so far was the one they doodled for Dr. Seuss (Mar. 9, 2009) I may be biased as I LOVE SEUSS TOO

Which brings me to my shout out poem or "Seuss-ism" about "Google"

I google morning, noon and night.
I google happy, silly, trite.
Do you dig groovy google doodles too?
I think you should . . . I really do
Now if you think I've lost my mind
because I google all the time
It could be true . . . I agree with you
but to google is to find great things
things that I could not find with bings
Ok, Enough of this google poem
I'm off to google jeroboam!

Oh, wait . . . one last thing before I go
Google let's you create your own search logo
Check it out . . . it's fun . . . you'll see
Soon you'll be a google junkie just like me!

And to think that Google started out as "Backrub"