Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Cupcake Fairy . . . A Fairy Sweet Treat!

Slowly my attempt to bring in altered elements to my  Pop Art Minis designs is beginning to evolve with the help of my tiny stamp pad and stamping letters that I had tucked away in a drawer, far, far, far in the back of my closet. 
Inspired by some amazing Artists at The Hive  I made my first attempt at adding the stamped alphabet art to my Queen of Halloween design and decided to add  more "font fun" to my new design The Cupcake Fairy.  I am really liking the new element and hope to find more ways to bring the altered art style into some of my new designs for a bit of a different look.  The Cupcake Fairy was really fun to create with her whimsical costuming and carefree look as she sits atop a yummy sprinkles cupcake perched on a fancy pink and green cupcake treat box . . . all the while she reminds us to fly high and dream of fairy fun!
The Cupcake Fairy Design will be available in my Zazzle store under "sweet treats" so be sure to stop by the sweet shop and check it out!
Here's a few close up shots of some of the details.

And of course she wouldn't be complete without at least a little  rhyme time.

The Cupcake Fairy looks oh, so sweet
As she perches atop the cupcake, definitely a treat!
Sprinkles on the frosting and cherries on her dress
So much sweetness to be found, a confection success.