Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Practical Magic" Inspired Potion Bottles...Magic, Dreams, Wishes!

Welcome to my little contribution to the Practical Magic Blog Party.  Inspired by the movie I have created three potion bottles labeled with things that I think would add to creating the perfect spell.  Like the "true love" spell that was created in the movie these little bottles contain ingredients for Magic, Dreams and Wishes!  Magic of course...the largest of the bottles with a tiny pocket watch attached reminding us it's always time for a dose of good magic. Dreams...without dreams we can go nowhere and inside the bottle you will find tiny gold stars...those special dreams that you carry with you forever!  And wishes...a dash at the very least!  The other little goodies in the photos are a few treasured trinkets that make my "Practical Magic" potion a little more fun . . . pictures of my inspiration, my Mom when she was a little girl full of Dreams, wishes and magical fun, a fairy compact that was a treasure found in my Grandma's jewelry box and passed down to me and a key to unlock the power of the potion! 

Please visit the main blog post where you can find links to all of the wonderful Practical Magic Blog Party! Enjoy the broom ride on this Sept. 25, 2010 adventure and celebration of a most magical movie and book! I myself am now off on this ride as well!
Brooms...up, up and away!

Here's a peek of the Love Potion scene from the movie...LOVE this scene!