Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Cat In The Hat and A Whole Lot of That!

So I got up this morning . . . earlier than I would have liked considering I didn't actually fall asleep until 2 something in the morning (still adjusting from my flight back across the sea.)  Anyway I found for some strange reason I had a whole lot of rhyming going on in my brain.  This may be caused in part by being gone for the last week on a product development trip to China, where most of the time I find it hard to get across my somewhat silly sense of humor which could have thrown my brain into a tizzy.  LOL  I must admit is not a bad place to be especially if it can create a journey of Seuss-tacular proportions!
So I couldn't resist pecking out a couple of rhymes that hopefully will end up being the starting point for some creative Pop Art Minis expression (I can definitely see something creative coming out of this) and a little play time as well! 
So without further ado . . . rhyming inspiration from me to you! 

A Seuss-Soicetacular Journey!
How about an adventure a Seuss-tacular journey
As crooked as the road from here to McKearny
If you ask how to get there, I’ll say use your imagination . . .
It’s a fantastical place, an inventive creation.
So gather your thoughts and think in rhyme
If you put your mind to it you’ll have the best time.
It’s a place that you can visit at the drop of a "cat’s hat"
And stay as long as you want it’s as simple as that!

A Trip Across The Sea . . . You See?
It’s good to be home after my trip across the sea!
And it seems that my head has me rhyming with glee.
I think that this day may become quite outrageous
A day full of fun it may be contagious!
So if you’re in the mood for a crazy good time
Please come along, join me for a day full of rhyme!

A footnote or two! A tip of my "Cat's Hat" to the good Dr. himself!
My favorite "Seuss-isms
One Two Three of my favorites you see . . .
1.  "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
2.  “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
3.  “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
How about you? Do you have one or two?

 Glad the day started early because I'm a long way from done!
Wishing you a day of non-sensical humor and fun! 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

TuTu CUTE . . . Frilly and Foo-Foo Fabulous!

I have been trying to find some inspiration for a Pop Art Mini that requires a purple, pink, and blue tutu and in the process was drawn to a Facebook Connection that has the most adorable tutus!  If you have a little girl and are looking for the something for her to wear that's just TuTu Cute than definitely check out Goody Goody Tutus! She makes the most adorable and fun tutu's in a variety of themes and colors.  The Swashbuckling Sweetheart is one of her latest designs and it would make a pirate's heart melt!

Here's a couple more of the adorable and foo-foo fabulous creations!

I am definitely sharing this with my Sister . . . this would be perfect for our little 3 year old darling, Londyn! mmmm...wonder which tutu she would like?  I'm thinking Disney

I think I have some great inspiration! Now off to sketch!
And don't forget to check out Goody Goody Tutus on Facebook and Esty!  
Hope you have a TUTU fun weekend!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Treasured Vintage Paper Dolls - Inspired!

I recently was doing some reorganizing in one of my closets and came across this box of treasured vintage paper dolls that my sister's and I collected and played with when we were growing up.  Boy, did it bring back memories.   I remember hours and hours of creative play and fun making up stories while dressing and re-dressing these flat, but dimensional characters.  I don't recall doing all the punching out and cutting of each paper piece and tab . . . I think we had alot of help with that part thanks I'm sure to my very patient Mom and Aunts's!   And although I haven't counted how many actual pieces are in the box there are several different styles from Raggedy to The Gingham Girls to Little Lulu and of course, Barbie.    I think that I'll definitely have to figure out a way to work this whole paper doll look into my Pop Art Minis and maybe even with my candles . . . I feel a new design coming on! Off to the drawing board! 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Growing and Glowing With Halloween Fun!

The Pop Art Minis Halloween Collection of black cats, witches, jack-o-lanterns, and monsters continues to glow, oops, I mean grow! Halloween is my favorite season . . .  full of color, fun and bewitching creations and with inspiration from friends on Facebook and at The Hive it's easy to keep the Halloween spirit alive! All of the designs are available in the Pop Art Minis Zazzle Store on t-shirts, trick or treat bags, magnets, keychains, postage and more! Most you can even personalize with your own message.
Hope you'll stop by for a look and I promise . . .
NO Tricks - Only Treats

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Need A Little "Mental Floss" For Your Brain? Check this out!

Thanks to a Twitter Friend who tweeted a link to this fun online version of the Mental Floss magazine I was able to stumble on to some fun trivia, amazing facts, and fun quizzes . . . definitely mental floss for the brain! Here's the website's official spin on what this mag is all about:

"For the record: mental_floss magazine is an intelligent read, but not too intelligent. We're the sort of intelligent that you hang out with for a while, enjoy our company, laugh a little, smile a lot and then we part ways. Great times. And you only realize how much you learned from us after a little while. Like a couple days later when you're impressing your friends with all these intriguing facts and things you picked up from us, and they ask you how you know so much, and you think back on that great afternoon you spent with us and you smile . . . And then you lie and say you read a lot."

So if you're looking for a place to spend a bit of time and find some silly, amazing and in general pretty creative fun check this out . . . the place where "knowledge junkies get their fix"  Enjoy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Sketchbook Project * Page 2

It's the second day since I received my sketchbook and on to the second page. Not sure if I'll be able to stay on this track, but that's the plan . . . for now! :)  Today's entry was a combination of "post-it" note sketches that I scrap booked onto the page and added a bit of color over. Lil' Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and Alice In Wonderland . . . 3 of my favorite storybook characters!  So . . . I am beginning to think that this adventure is going to take the shape of magic, fairy tales, fantasy and dreams . . . things that make you smile, transport you to a magical and fantastical place and hopefully inspire.  I think I knew it would go that way, but needed to put the first sketches to paper to be sure. So I'm off and sketching...having fun, imagining the next page, mixing ink and pastel...and ready to work through the adventures of imagination, dreams and fantastical fun!

Creative Cupcake Confections . . . Cool! Cute! Colorful!

I LOVE Cupcakes! How about you?  Have a "fav"? The collage is my inspiration palette for a future "yummy" cupcake confection collection!  Oh, so yummy and a perfect theme for a Pop Art Mini design . . . coming soon.  In the meantime try one of these perfect cupcake recipes for some sweet treats.  Plus is you want to add an extra "pop" of color check out this cupcake liner shop! The liners are so colorful and fun they will definitely make the sweet treats that much more delicious! 

Have a Yummy Day filled with delectable Treats!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Sketchbook Has Arrived! The adventure begins . . .

A few days ago I wrote about The Sketchbook Project and was so excited to come home and find that my sketchbook had arrived! So where to begin...I had requested the (name your own) version and have been racking my brain to figure out what exactly that might be! After several days of thinking I still am not 100% sure what the final name will be.  So I have decided that I will begin at the beginning and go till I come to the end (Good advice from the Alice in Wonderland King) and in between will let the adventure take me where it will!   So without further delay . . . let the adventure begin as I share the first page in my Sketchbook for The Brooklyn Art Library Sketchbook Project

Halloween Candle Treats! Poppin’ With Color!

Just for Boo!  Candy Corn inspired  tapers, pillars and votive candle offerings are now available in my Prim Candle Shop! Sugar cookie with a touch of orange clove mix to make a perfectly “yummy” scent that smells great even when they are not being burned! So if you’re looking for a fun and scent-sational idea for your Halloween and Fall decorating come check it out! Snap, Crackle and Poppin’ with the colors of fall! Happy Haunting!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Buzz on By Thursday Blog Hop!

Welcome to “Buzz on by Thursday" blog hop hosted by Fashionably Organized and The Two Savvy Sisters! Buzz on by Thursday is a great way to meet new bloggers and increase your Google followers! So join us we promise you will have a blast!
The BUZZ about our Blog Hop:

By adding your blog YOU MAY BE RANDOMLY CHOSEN FOR OUR BLOG SPOTLIGHT OF THE WEEK!!! We will highlight your blog and bring you many new followers!! A blog will be picked at random via to be spotlighted next Thursday. Now lets have some fun!!

Thanks for BEEING a part of Buzz on by Thursday have fun!!!

Sharing! My Talented Daughter . . . Not Biased At All!

This blog post is about sharing! Sharing someone and some thing that I think is pretty special… my daughter, Emily and her art! I know I’m a biased Mom, but besides the fact that she’s an amazing daughter who I’m proud to call my friend (now that she’s past that 18th birthday…hehehe) she’s an awesomely talented artist! She’s always loved art in all forms. . . DRAMATIC . . . she’d play dress up and stand in front of the video camera for hours entertaining the world, MUSICAL . . . she has a beautiful voice and I LOVE to here her sing , and last, but definitely not least DRAWING & PAINTING . . . her attention to detail and technique amaze me! I’ll try and share the dramatic and musical on a later blog (more technical issues there) but today I wanted to share some of the art pieces that she has created. I think she’s awesome, but I know . . . I’m the mom and that’s my job . . . she just makes it easy!
So here’s a little glimpse into Emily’s portfolio.

You can find more here!

Thanks for letting me share!

WOW! Have Vampires Come A Long Way!

As a kid I remember racing home to watch the vampire show of my generation, “Dark Shadows” (really giving my age away with that one)! The “back in the day” black and white vampire show barely compares with today’s release of the Twilight Saga big screen movies and books. Spawning everything from HBO vampire hits like “True Blood”, my daughter’s can’t miss show, to fashion and everything in between. So with inspiration taken from Vampires and Fashion I would like to introduce two amazing fashion dolls that during my day job, (Product Development Manager for Charisma Brands) we created to . . . should we say . . . make our mark! Two raven hair beauties with mystical hand painted features, stunning costumes inspired by Vampire Chic fashion and names that might have a slight connection to the big screen movies that everyone is talking about . . . “Twyla Moon” and “Calypso

Appearing both day and night (somehow when you’re a Vampire Chic fashion doll the light doesn’t seem to bother you) on our website at Paradise Galleries!

Vampire Chic "Runway" Fashion Inspiration for the Fashion Doll Costumes.

Mmmm . . . what next . . . Vampire Inspired Pop Art Mini! Let me see if I can sink my teeth into that!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pop Art Minis Anniversary Give Away - Join Us On Facebook for a chance to Win!

In celebration of Pop Art Minis 1st Anniversary we're giving away a 7"x9" Original Pop Art Mini to one lucky winner. 

Here's the details!
1.  Come join us on our Pop Art Minis Facebook Page (like us and we'll like you back)
2.  Leave a comment on our *Current Status Wall Post!
3.  Your name will be entered into the drawing for a chance to win the 7"x9" Original Pop Art Mini. 
4.  Entries via comment on the Status Wall Post will be accepted from July 11, 2010 6:15 pm. pst  and ends Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 9:00 pm. pst.
5. Winner will be selected via Winner will be selected Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 9:00 pm.
Ready, Set, Comment!

Pop Art Minis . . . little pieces of art inspired by fun and fantastical themes in all the colors of the rainbow! Snap, crackle, poppin' with magic and fun!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Celebrate With A Cupcake! YUM!

In celebration of Pop Art Minis 1 Year Anniversary I'd like to introduce a new design called
"Celebrate With A Cupcake"
Dedicated to my Mom who was and always will be an amazing inspiration in my life and to all of my family and friends for your support, smiles and laughter along the way!

Here's to several more years of Snap, Crackle & Poppin' fun!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Left Brain - Right Brain . . . Which are YOU?

While on a recent "google search" I came across this fun little test to determine which side of the brain does most of your thinking.  Here's a brief summary of what the left and right brain characteristics are.

Left Brain Characteristics - Rational:

Looks at parts
Responds to verbal instructions

Problem solves by logically and sequentially looking at the parts of things
Looks at differences
Is planned and structured
Prefers established, certain information
Prefers talking and writing
Prefers multiple choice tests
Controls feelings
Prefers ranked authority structures

Right Brain Characteristics - Intuitive:

Looks at wholes
Responds to demonstrated instructions

Problem solves with hunches, looking for patterns and configurations
Looks at similarities
Is fluid and spontaneous
Prefers elusive, uncertain information
Prefers drawing and manipulating objects
Prefers open ended questions
Free with feelings
Prefers collegial authority structures

Although we are made up of characteristics from both sides we usually always have a dominant side that controls the way we approach things in life.  So do you think you know which side does most of your thinking?  Why not take the test and see.  Come back and share your results when you're done!
Click here to go to the test page

Here's my result:
Left Brain - 40% Right Brain - 60%

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Hive F-Bees Facebook Friend Link Up

Link Up HereThought it would be fun to start a Hive F-Bee Facebook Friends Link Up. Most of us probably have Facebook Fan Pages and thought this would be a good way that we can link up on Facebook by supporting with a "LIKE" of each other's fan pages.

Here's how it works . . . add your Facebook Fan Page Link below! When you click on the link below it will take you to a page where you can type in your Facebook Fan Page and enter your Facebook Fan Page direct link. Please be sure to enter the correct link so we can find your page and "Like" you back and don't forget to leave a comment on the Facebook Page so we know you've been there!
If you haven't joined The Hive yet...join here

Click Here to LINK UP!  

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lively Lucy Mop Top Needs Your Vote!

By day I work on the product development of dolls for Charisma Brands.  It's an amazing and fun job and so rewarding to see the results of planning, development and production in creating collectible porcelain, vinyl, and resin dolls for all ages! 
So I'm sending out an Open Call for your help by Voting for our amazing dolls!  We have 5 special dolls that are in the running for a DAE award.  If you get a chance (voting ends July 14) please hop on over and vote for our Adora Belle Lively Lucy!   She's on a quest to follow in her DOTY award winning sister's footsteps, Adora Belle-Ruella Raspberry.   
It's easy to vote!  Just click on the link VOTE HERE for Lively Lucy.  It will take you right  to the page that she is featured on.  Click on the 10 stars and that's it! Simple! 

Adora Belle Lively Lucy thanks you and we thank you at Marie Osmond-Charisma! 

...and if you love dolls check out all of our fun collectible treasures on our websites:

Still feel like voting? 
Here's the links for the other beautiful dolls that are in the running for Dolls Awards of Excellence.  We'd love to have you vote for them as well.
Tutti Fruity

Hope for Haiti - Emmanuel & Johanna


Happy Teddy

Monday, July 5, 2010

Masquerade! An Adventure in the Art of Disguise

The Inspiration!

 First Masked Adventure!

A few weeks ago I attended the Rose Bowl Flea Market along with my daughter, husband and good friend, BJ.  While we were walking the grounds we came across a booth that was selling vintage masks that had been created with antique lace, buttons, trims, etc.  My daughter and I were very intrigued by the masks and so decided that we would try our hand at making a reproduction with a twist that made it all ours.  The slideshow is a collection of the process and starts out with the photo that inspired us.
With the first mask complete we definitely have ideas for more fun creations and will be on the look out for some true vintage lace, button, trims, etc. that will make them even more special.  Hope you enjoy this little Masquerade . . . an adventure in the Art of Disguise!

Introducing Pop Art Minis "Hallo" Season Delights Collection

Jolly Jack-O-Lanterns smiling so bright
Come out and play under the starry moonlight
Soon there will be others that will join us here
For Halloween is our favorite time of year! 

"Hallo" Seasonal Delights Collection
Jack-o-lanterns, Witches, Black Cats and Fun Frights

Witchie Poo ACEO

Watch for more designs coming soon to our
T-shirts, Posters, Mousepads, Keychains, and  MORE!