Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What's Your Buzz Wednesday...Go Ahead Share Your Flare...Picture-Post Linky (WOYWW)

Jack and Jill...WIP...Adding Pops Of Color
It's time for another "What's Your Buzz Wednesday". What have you been working on this week?  Share a link so we can buzz by and take a look at your fantastic flare!
So far it's been a busy week for me at work, but as soon as I get home I've been working on my Pop Art Minis Nursery Rhyme Time Collection!  Jack and Jill is on the drawing board...a share that I've also added to the "What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday" linky party at Stamping Ground! Lots of fun stuff there you should check it out!
Continuing with the "pops" of color and started on the faces last night before I became too "pooped" to color anymore!
Hoping that I have time to finish up tonight!
How about  you?  I'd love if you'd share a link to your blog....something that you are working on, a special event, a cool find!
Please add a direct link to the post so we can buzz by and check it out!
You can grab a Wednesday Buzz Button on my sidebar!
Thanks for joining in the Wednesday Buzz fun...gotta run! 

Shared at Stamping Ground...What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday too!
Here's a wider Workdesk Wednesday view...a little messy it's true! :)