Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wk #3...What's Your Buzz Wednesday...Share Your Linky Buzziness!

Week #3 Wednesday Buzz Link Up.  
Join in the linky fun by sharing a link to something you've done! 
Under the Big Top   by Joni Nickrent   copyright 2011
I'm progressing slowly but surely on my "Under The Big Top" Supersized Mini.  It's 18" x24" of big
top surprises.  Here's a couple more quick pic sneak about that clown...what color should he be...toss some suggestions out to me.
Big Top in progress
Come One, Come All...step Right up!
Hoping to be able to wrap it up tonight!
How about you...what have you been up to? 
Share Your Wednesday Buzz!

Link UP Below...please link directly to the post you'd like to share!