Sunday, May 22, 2011

Illustration Friday and Sunday Sketches too...A "Soaked" Puppy Mini I'd Like To Share With YOU!

"Soaked"  by Joni Nickrent  copyright 2011
This week's Sunday Sketch submission was inspired by the Illustration Friday word "soaked"! And after a post on my Pop Art Minis Facebook page for suggestions of how to illustrate the word "soaked" this playful puppy in the bath bucket was my final creation!
From sketch to Pops of color...he still kept his smile and really didn't mind being a little "soaked" at all!

Thanks to all that tossed in a suggestion, inspired with the word of the week and have a great link up that let's me share my Pop Art Mini creations with you!
If you feel inspired, hope you'll share your creative art too!


A Peek at this past weeks Pop Art Minis Creations
Bright Eyed and Moonbeams Collection