Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wk #4 Wednesday Buzz...Share Your Flare! WIP Owl Only Have Eyes For YOU!

It's Wednesday Buzz Time on my Pop Art Minis Blog...what have you been working on this week?  Got sometime to share...add our linky to the list below and buzz by the other's to see what everyone's been up to! Plus, it's be great if you join in the linky fun you'd grab the I ❤ Wednesday Buzz button on my blog sidebar, yeah the one that looks like this! :)

 Here's what's on my drawing table today...a new Pop Art Mini that features an owl and a big eyed cutie!
Owl Only Have Eyes For You!
Joni Nickrent    Copyright 2011
Sketch complete next up the "pops" of color! Hoot! Hoot!

Can't wait to catch your Wednesday Buzz! Link Up Below...Let's GO!