Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Creatively Featured...Alyice Edrich...The Dabbling Mum!

Alyice Edrich   copyright 2009
There's a place called The Hive and it's just buzzing with creative talent!  It's also the place that I met Artist, Writer, Crafter, Virtual Assistant, Movie Buff, and All Around Creative dynamo, Alyice Edrich! Oh, and she's also full of surprises...just check out her "Mystery Grab Bags
(In fact, I was the lucky recipient of one of her Grab Bag Mystery Boxes .)  A creative and art-filled package that Alyice creates with inspiration from her childhood memories of the thrill of grab bags and discovering new treasures. Here's a sampling of just a few of the treats you might find if you take a chance and grab a bag! Too fun!
With over 15 places (Check out the list below) to find Alyice's art, articles, and social networking buzz you can bet that she keeps as busy as a bee! And even with all that she has going on in her creative business, she still manages to keep her family, 2 great kids and a husband she calls "her best friend',  first and foremost in her life...a role Alyice says is the only one she has never doubted! 
Alyice has accomplished alot over the years and when I asked her what she felt was one of her biggest and proudest accomplishments, in her creative life she said, "my eMagazine, The Dabbling Mum.  Before I returned to freelancing full time, it grew into a weekly e-zine with 9,000 subscribers and an eMagazine with 40,000 monthly visitors—and all without an advertising budget. It even won a few awards and earned me a nice little income."
WOW! That's one amazing accomplishment, but it doesn't stop there!  Her passion and love of writing led her to compile e-books that she sells on her website, and 3 for free download, as well as, numerous other articles, features, creative writing and more!   (You can read more about Alyice's passion and love of writing on her blog post titled, "Thanks for the Writing Gig")!
 She also has a strong need to stay true to her arts and crafts roots! So today you can find Alyice not only writing, but having a blast learning new techniques and trying her hand at various projects including making a favorite creation, her art jars!
Alyice shares a "project tutorial" on how you can make your own here!
She is also busy working on designs for her Zazzle Store which includes creatively turning photos into amazing postcard art and creating unique designs for pendants
Alyice is one amazing woman and has a wealth of creative knowlege. I asked her to share some words of inspiration with us and here's what she had to say, “Believe in yourself”!  Whether you have low self-esteem, like me, or your life is so busy you don’t think you have time to follow your dreams, I want to encourage you to go after whatever it is that makes you feel good about you. Because no matter how hard it may seem, the rewards are worth it.
I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to do something, or to create something, and later look back upon it and think, “I did that!”
Alyice's list of creative accomplishments is still growing, but don't just take my word for it...do some discovering of your own by visiting one of the many places you can find her creative talent online!
Thanks Alyice for sharing yourself with us and for inspiring us to SOAR!
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