Sunday, April 10, 2011


There are so many amazing, fantastic and fabulously creative people out there I thought it would be fun to feature some of them along with there creative projects, processes, and proud accomplishments here on my Pop Art Minis blog with a weekly CREATIVE FEATURES Blog Post. 
So consider this a CREATIVE CASTING CALL for Artist-Crafter's, Creative Cooks, Writer's, Cool Do-It-Yourself Guru's and more!
I have my eye on several "poppin' peeps" that I would LOVE to feature and will definitely be contacting YOU soon! And if I don't get to you first, please send me an email and I'll add you to the list of awesome talent that deserves a Creative Feature HERE, THERE and EVERYWHERE!
Heck, there's even a button for bragging on your blog, website or wherever else you want to tell people how awesome, cool and creatively featured you are!
Please contact me via email to be added to the Creative Features List of Talented and Terrific Poppin' Peeps! If you're on my Pop Art Minis on the "Drop Me A Line" - contact me envelope on the right sidebar and you'll be taken to my email link. 
If you're reading this in The Hive please contact me through the Hive's Contact Me link from my profile.