Friday, April 29, 2011

The Prince...The Princess to Be...The Procession...The Pomp!...The DRESS..The...WHAT JUST HAPPENED!

Yep, NO POWER...NOTHING! How could this be! 
It's THE ROYAL WEDDING!!! I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning, night, morning..whatever it watch THE ROYAL see with my own eyes in real time the WHOLE thing! To see THE DRESS!  The Kate Middleton fashion doll is waiting for her miniaturized version of THE DRESS and I needed and wanted to see make capture that fairy tale excitement, to have the experience of the real deal...and all I got were these two "lame" shots of the tv screen. One as Kate traveled to the church and the other a  blurred view of her as she was getting out of the car before the power went out!
So my late night product development interest (ok, maybe it was more than just a work related interest, after all it is a fairy tale come true, right!?) in The Royal Wedding was interrupted and now I'm searching the Internet to view all the juicy details of the parts I missed live! Gather details of the dress and frantically work with the costumer to recreate THE DRESS in a fashion doll size! I'm sure glad there's so many amazing shots that show every will definitely help as we recreate the dress on our beautiful Kate Middleton, oops, make that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge doll!

Ok, off to work...there's a dress to be finished...grab the fabric, the jewels, the lace...start up the sewing machine...and stay tuned as the Fairy Tale continues on our fashion doll version of The Royal Wedding Dress
Congrats to the Duke and Duchess!