Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Sketch On My Desk...Hopping Down A Steampunk? Bunny Trail...WIP

A quick post and a shot of a sketch on my desk!  It's a "sketchy" start to a soon to be Steampunk Bunny (notice the pin...thought about a hat, but erased that...hehehe) that will soon become a full size Pop Art Mini.  As you can see from the pix he's quite curious and definitely a bit bunnies go, but that's what I like about him...or maybe he'll end up being a hare, oops, I mean her! We'll see!
Oh, and I can't forget to say thanks my Mop Top friends...2 Adora-Belle big-eyed cuties that were there along the way critiquing the sketch on my desk!
Hare's to a Creatively Magical Day...Hoppy In Every Way!