Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Beautiful Bright Eyed Blythe...Pictures! Poses! Pop Art Minis!

I recently returned from a trip to Hong Kong and China and during that time I was lucky enough to be able to visit one of the local markets on a treasure hunt to find a Blythe doll.  I've had my EYE on one of these cuties for quite a while...I know I should be past my dolly stage, but like I've said're never too old to play with dolls and I just couldn't resist adding a Blythe Doll to my collection of inspired fun!  
 If you don't know the story behind how these dolls first came to be you can check it out HERE!  They've been around a while and there's a whole world of fashion, friends and blogs about people that can't get enough of these sweethearts with the changeable eye color. . . and I seem to have become one of them too! 
Oh, and by the way...not only does this sandy blond haired, beautiful bright eyed Blythe doll make me SMILE...she's also been a BIG EYED inspiration for several of my recent Pop Art Minis
 So PICTURE THIS...a beautiful day filled with sunshine, smiles and the snap of the camera...celebrating my beautiful brighted eyed Blythe!

Here's to another PICTURE PERFECT Day! SMILE!