Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Sketches..."Esther B." Bulldog...Bunny...Or Both?

I thought it would be fun to participate in some sketch time fun over at this awesome blog called Blue Chair Diary.  When Sunday rolls around it's time to submit your "Sunday Sketches" and if you haven't participated or checked out the Cool, Creative fun you really should...Inspiring for sure!
And so with my mind made up to submit a sketch this week I used a friend suggestion from my Pop Art Minis Facebook Page (which by the way I'm working on a giveaway prize package to celebrate a fabulous friend stay tuned for that) in deciding what the sketch would "B".  So a big thanks Josh T. for inspiring me with this comment left on my wall! "You should draw a pug wearing bunny ears"!
So here's my Pop Art Mini Sketch for this weeks Sunday Sketches submission.
Esther B. 
Esther B.   by Joni Nickrent   copyright 2011
Not sure yet if I'll be adding "pops" of color...I'm kind of liking it just being a sketch and leaving it at that...what do you think? Or maybe I need to do a colorful version too.
hmmm...I'm leaving it up to YOU!
Sketch? * Color version TOO?